From its earliest days in the OJBLL, the Buzz lacrosse organization has produced outstanding talent that flourished in NCAA lacrosse, Sr.B, ALL, Sr.A, and the NLL. Come back soon for more info on our most notable alumni.
Lacrosse is more than a sport, it is a medicine game. It teaches athletes the value of community and teamwork, of working together for the greater good. It heals us. Our mind, body and spirit is nourished when we run, throw, and play. Our lives are enriched when we form bonds with our team, coach, friends and community through The Medicine Game.
From its earliest days in the OJBLL, the Buzz lacrosse organization has produced outstanding talent that flourished in NCAA lacrosse, Sr.B, ALL, Sr.A, and the NLL. Come back soon for more info on our most notable alumni.
Come back soon for a brief summary of our most prolific TEAMS, scorers, and playmakers.
Come back soon for a listing of our most recent award winners.